IFR "Know-a-Lot" Quick-Reference
If you've been studying for your instrument rating, you may have come across a helpful document on the internet called the Instrument "Know All" Handout. The document is great, but it contained a couple errors and several formatting issues. Unfortunately I have no idea who originally created the document, and I could only find it in PDF format. Finally, I decided to re-type and modify the document for my own use. The result is my IFR Know-a-Lot Quick Reference.
The IFR Know-a-Lot is free to use for your entertainment and education. I've made every effort to ensure that the information contained in the document is correct, but you are responsible for verifying its accuracy. Furthermore, I'm not a flight instructor, and the document is only a supplement to instruction provided by a certificated instructor. If you find any errors, please contact me using the form below. Enjoy! |